16 June 2013

Their Father

Our children are lucky.  They have the most amazing dad.  He works hard every day so they can eat and sleep comfortably.  He takes Cedrik to the car wash and leaves Freddie home (because Freddie hates the car wash).  He sits and rocks Freddie and they bond (fyi he and Freddie are so much alike they can really get on each other's nerves--basically like Cedrik and me).  He has patience and funny voices and funny jokes that make our home full of happiness.  Most people see the quiet calm Jordan.  But at home he wrestles, tickles and chases.  He flies the boys like they are airplanes, throws them high in the air and is a human jungle gym.  He is the example of a righteous father who willingly goes to church, watches conference, takes care of his body and family and prays.  These are characteristics that one day they will recognize as admirable traits. He is the balance our wild days need. He can calm us all down.  I'm so glad he is my husband and the father to my children. There isn't anyone better.

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