26 July 2011


We love the "fruit stand" on Five Mile and Victory.  It isn't really a fruit stand, but a greenhouse that has produce on the other side.  I also found out that they try to sell as much local food as possible.  Some things, such as bananas aren't, but when they can carry local items, they do.  I love it!  There is also a list up front of different fruits and vegetables and when they are in season for Idaho.  I've needed to know these things!!  Well, we stopped by today and while I was standing being checked out, Cedrik found some tomatoes in a box under one of the stands (yes, they were ripe).  He decided to take a big bite out of one.  So I told the owner (at least I think that's who he is) that we'd take a tomato too.  He gave it to us for free and he then said "Tastes good doesn't it?" and Cedrik shook his head no.  Well we got home, and, well...

He loved it.

Stanley Fun

My brother came and visited from Colorado this past weekend.  He is always a fun person to be around and his humor matches mine and Jordan so the conversations are never dull.  Cedrik did warm up to him near the end of the trip.  Spencer went up camping with Dad and Donna on Thursday and we went and spent the day with them on Saturday.  It was a long day.  Jordan and I were able to have a mini date on the four-wheeler and take a drive for a couple of hours.  It is nice to be out of the city but the day was more than enough for me!  We didn't get eaten alive by mosquitoes (Cedrik didn't get one bite) and we had wonderful sandwiches (it's been quite awhile since we've had sandwiches).  

Beabea had the best time.

Spencer wrecked his dirt bike and hurt his arm.

Jordan took Cedrik on a little ride and he loved it! He sat still and hummed with the engine sound.

He found sand. 

25 July 2011

Silly Boy

Cedrik's personality is a tough one to describe.  He loves life but will let you know when things aren't going his way.  He loves giving kisses and hugs, but doesn't like to snuggle.  He LOVES music and will let you know when he doesn't care for a song on the radio by screeching.  His favorite song right now is Teenage Dream, we have no idea why but it really gets him dancing.  He is trying very hard to communicate more things with us and tries hard to copy the tones of our voices.  He also likes making up his own signs, which can be confusing.  He is finally growing again.  We had a stint of a few months where he only went up.  Now he's packing on the pounds and loving every chance he gets to eat--which seems like all day long. 

He also likes to dress up.  He puts on Dad's shoes, socks, any hat he can find, and really anything else that seems fun.  I put my apron on him.  He still looks like a complete boy.
I don't know why the video went this way...tilt your head!

13 July 2011

Books & Hats

 Cedrik loves books and hats.  Every day he brings a hat for us to put on him or a book to read with him and sets it in our laps.  He's hilarious.

Spaghetti Dinner

05 July 2011


He loved the fireworks for about 10 minutes.  Then he wanted to talk to the people around us. 

It was a long day...don't judge. :)

Happy July!

We had a wonderful 4th. Jordan didn't have to work.  We bought swimsuits for Jordan and me and went up to Lucky Peak Lake to swim.  We have a fearless son.  He absolutely loved the cold water and splashing.  The sand was too hot for him to stand on, but that didn't stop him from trying. He did end up putting some sand in his mouth (not a mouthful though) and that wasn't the best part of the day for him-gross.  He kept his hat on all day and if he had his way we'd still be playing in the water.  We all got some sun, Jordan and I a lot more than Cedrik and we're feeling it today! 

Splash Splash!


01 July 2011

A Day in Council

Smelling the flowers

Watering the flowers

Council, Idaho

What's this?

What am I supposed to do with it?

Eat it!