27 July 2014

Haystacks & Golliwogs

We finished up our study of Monet and Debussy with his painting titled "Haystacks" and Debussy's Golliwogs Cakewalk. The boys recognized the song because Jordan was learning it about a year ago. 

They confused the haystacks with rocks but then I showed them a real photo of haystacks, it made more sense. 

I had them create art with food. What kid (or person) doesn't like food art?

We have been learning about new instruments and YouTube is awesome. We can search any instrument and get demonstrations of them and hear some really amazing things. So far we've learned about the harp, harpsicord, triangle, viola, bassoon, cymbals, and gongs. Really cool. I found some nomenclature cards so we organized them into their respective categories and Cedrik did really well. The only ones he had a hard time with were percussion, because we hadn't gone over them and the organ. Even Jordan wasn't sure which category that fit info. 

Cedrik is still doing his reading lessons. His incentive (that he decided himself) was that he wanted to read so he can play monopoly. Or he has to wait until he is 8. Big incentive, he loves board games. 

We celebrated pioneer day by listening to a few pioneer hymns  and songs during breakfast-big hit. We walked to a lady's house to see her new kitten and on the way pretended we were pioneers and each time we crossed a road we pretended it was water. We sat under a tree and Cedrik scouted for Indians, found some, but informed us that they were nice. 

22 July 2014


Otherwise known as Monopoly.

Jordan loves this game. We haven't played since we were married but I've been told the story countless times of how awesome he is at it. And he is. We started playing it a couple weeks ago when Chari was here and it was fun! Now we are playing most nights.

I did manage to beat him twice, two nights in a row. He did in a way allow me to win and I think he'll stop doing that from now on. ;)

17 July 2014

What do you do...

... When there's smoke outside?

The smoke from the fires is just horrible. And the boys have a cough, so I don't even want to venture out to prolong that.

We stay inside. We have been reading books, making a fort (kisses and tickles in the fort), watching YouTube: soccer, cats & kittens, trains (of course), garbage men, different musical instruments and listening to Debussy.

Cedrik has been interested in his reading lessons, so we've taken that up again. I try to stop when he's having fun so that he'll want to continue the next day. He practices writing his name (on his own) most days. He's getting much better at sharing his artwork with Jordan and we've all been singing a lot to each other.

We were planning to go camping this weekend, but with coughing boys, Jordan has a sore throat and the fact that our campsite was 5 miles away from the fires, we thought we should stay home instead. The smoke isn't supposed to be gone until the end of July! What will we do!? Escape to Utah?

Smithfield Visitors

Chari was on her way back from Oregon and stopped to say hi and let the kids play for awhile.

They decided to stay the night. We went down and let the kids play in the water (it was 104 degrees outside!). Jordan made Guatemala eggs and we played monopoly after the kids went to bed. Taycee stated getting sick right after they showed up and of course the boys needed to drink from her special orange cup! 

So... They are sick. But, we wouldn't trade the time we had with them. :) We're so glad they were able to come spend the night with us. 

Eloise thought Brody was the bees knees, and wouldn't stop touching him. He wasn't so impressed with her. But he did like me. :)

I was able to bottle up some tinctures. The next morning we had Blue Sky. I'm pretty sure everyone who reads this blog is so sick of hearing about bagels! They are heavenly! Actually.... I could go for one now. ;)

Food Coloring Fun


16 July 2014

Our Life

I burned my hand. Jordan bandaged it up. Calendula salve to the rescue! The second day it was almost healed! 

I love their crazy sleeping arrangements.

We signed up for free bowling during the summer. Cedrik is in love with bowling. We took Fred and he was more interested in his lemonade. But, we still matter to have fun despite Eloise being ready for bed and letting everyone know. 

As of august 1st Cedrik will be without training wheels. They are already moved I'll so he has to balance but at this one they are only on for mental reasons. (Not mental crazy, more like a safety net in his mind)

We made flower jewelry.