30 January 2016

A Change

We are reaching a new phase of parenthood. One child is no longer a toddler. Cedrik hasn't been a toddler for a long time, but our first real transition of this is his starting piano lessons.

He is in love with his teacher, Tawna Love. She expects a lot, and he performs well for her. So far it's a good match.

25 January 2016

House Guests

The days after Christmas were spent sleeping, recuperating from the festivities and adjusting to a new home life. 

We built forts, had school which included learning about steam shovels and snowplows. Eloise got into my makeup. Marimer was a cutie. Snow angels. Eloise perfected Brody's scowl. Marie had some horribly long nights. Piggy-backs. And all the kids love Andrew.