29 April 2015

New Feats

Cedrik loves to now slide down the poles at parks. 
Eloise loves to swing and prefers to climb up the stairs to the slide rather than go down it. 
Freddie has discovered that ladders aren't too bad and loves to slide. 

27 April 2015


We have a robin (and her mate) building a nest in the tree out our front window.

We are now studying what they are doing with their nest. We are tracking their happenings and drawing them each day. It took them about 3 days to build the nest. All of the kids are enthralled with the birds and Eloise has even laid on the front walkway under the tree to watch them. 

The female we named Shirley. Freddie named the male Turby, but Cedrik is very against that name and has yet to come up with a different one. 


Logan Visitors

Grandma and Grandpa Porter came to visit us. Jordan had his spring recital and they were due for a visit anyway.

Carla and I checked out a new quilt shop. We took them to Elmers for breakfast-Steve said it was the best breakfast we've taken him to yet. We also had pizza and Casa Mexico along with trader joes cheese and crackers. Carla showed Jordan how to prune roses and they also planted a flower pot.

The boys showed off their riding skills and Eloise was teething and let us all know. Cedrik felt comfortable reading to Grandma and thankfully she didn't steal his reading lesson (his biggest fear about reading with other people is that they will steal his reading lesson). Sometimes he truly melts my heart.

Sunny Days

Our days have been going something like this: wake up with the sun to Eloise coming into our room, snuggling us and talking to herself. The boys soon join and we all lay together until Jordan or I are ready to finally get up. We eat breakfast, get dressed, and the boys clean their room which some days takes over an hour because they get busy playing. We read a few books (right now Elsa Beskow and Beatrix Potter are among the favorites-Eloise loves I Think Can-and we are slowly getting through How to Train Your Dragon). 

We head outside, usually take a quick walk and then they play until lunch. After naps we hang out, sometimes read a little bit more and then we're outside again until dinner-sometimes walking down to the reserve.

Last week, we added soccer and washing bikes into our week. Eloise received new boots from Grandma Smith and she loves them. She also hit her eye on the hope chest. She also decided to put make up on and I was sitting right by her, not realizing she was actually doing anything. 

We had ice cream several times this week and Freddie chose red velvet once. WAY too much food coloring, and it was spilled on the car seat. Lovely. :) But he enjoyed every bite. 

19 April 2015

Free Dessert

This week we made glittered play dough, buried cars, tractors, animals, cut, rolled and molded said play dough. 

The boys also asked to make a cloud, so we did that a few times. They love science experiments. Other than that we were outside every day. The weather has been perfect.

At the end of the week I went and grabbed Noodles for dinner. Eloise went with me. She was a mess. Her pony tail was falling out, she had dirt and food on her shirt from the day, her pants were rolled up a few times with grass stains on them and she was wearing her worn out boots. The girls in Noodles were so smitten with her and her outfit that they gave her a rice krispie treat. No joke. One of them said "her shirt and boots just deserved it." The boys were thrilled she got them dessert. She is a doll. 

18 April 2015

Mystery Dinner

Jordan and I were invited to a mystery dinner. It was so much fun. We both weren't sure what to expect but we agreed it was fun and funny!

I played Cruella Deville, Jordan was Professor Moriarti. He wore a top hat all night and had to act like he knew more than everyone in the room-he usually does anyway! He surprised me by really getting into the role and making snide comments to the other players all night. He was the criminal mastermind and ended up being the killer-he was going to frame me, but his love for me overruled. :)

I talked about everyone's clothes all night and also made snide comments, especially to the wicked witch. (We all played villains)

I love dates with my husband and this ranks up there for me as one of the best.

16 April 2015

Miss Helper

I painted her toes for the first time. It's a big hit with everyone in the house-they are so cute. 

She has decided she can move the stool anywhere in the house if she needs to reach something. It can be helpful. She knows where most of the kitchen things live. I asked her to put a pot holder away and she knew which drawer it went in. 

I shouldn't have been surprised. She regularly explores all the drawers and cabinets in the house. 

I'm officially considering her potty trained. She has peed consistently for 2 weeks and pooped 3 days in a row on the toilet. Success!

She makes it known, in a very cliché girly way when she upset-screaming far beyond what one would think is her lung capacity.  

We are so lucky to have her. 

First Hand Picked Mom Flowers


10 April 2015

Pregnant Waddle

This week:
I think the baby gained 2 pounds and my belly is showing it.
The beloved pregnant waddle started. 
Jordan saved us quite a bit of money by fixing the sprinklers himself.
Cedrik did his reading lesson and it was awesome. 
Freddie was the biggest helper all week long-and needed extra snuggles.
Eloise consistently peed on the toilet and her number one choice in shoes are her John Deere boots that are getting too small.

Looking at ducks

Cheesy Wheezy

Working out with Dad

05 April 2015

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is the best. Jordan and I try really hard to make Sunday about Christ. I definitely have a few things I'm going to change for next year. 

This year, however, the kids awoke to simple Easter baskets and we had them find the scripture eggs (a couple of which Eloise had found and opened). Each egg was labeled so we knew which order to read them. We've been talking about the atonement all week and so, on Easter Sunday we focused mainly on his resurrection. Each egg was filled with a different object that corresponded to the scripture. 

After, we made "resurrection" rolls. Marshmallows rolled in cinnamon and sugar and covered with a roll, baked and when they are done, they are empty-just like the tomb on Easter morning. The boys love to help make breakfast and while they baked we talked about Christ appearing to Mary. Eloise gorged on whatever she could find at the table. 

We ate, watched conference and then ate lunch and played some card games before nap time. 

The most tender moment I think I've ever had with Cedrik happened during one of the earlier songs in the afternoon session. It was a primary song and Cedrik knew every word. I didn't know he knew it and as he snuggled against me and we sang it together my heart and spirit were full. It was a moment given to me to help carry me to the next spiritual moment as a mom. 

After the afternoon session, we headed to Dad and Donna's for dinner. Clayton is bigger than Eloise and although he was exhausted from their trip home, he was still a doll. He is so cute. The other cousins loved playing together and Eloise was in heaven pushing the baby stroller.