29 April 2014

Meditating Children

"I think we pay too little attention to the value of meditation; a principle of devotion... Meditation is one of the most secret, most sacred doors through which we pass into the presence of the Lord." David O. McKay

We started meditating/listening to meditation mantra music a couple months ago.  We recently started listening to something together (the kids and me) at some point during our mornings together. 

When we do this our days go so smoothly. Cedrik even comments throughout the day, "Mom, this is a really nice day." They love learning the different hand movements.

Freddie's favorite mantra to sing is Long Time Sun.  Cedrik's varies. At the moment he loves By Thy Grace. They chant it throughout the day together.  At one point it repeats "Allah, Jehova, Rama, Sa ta na ma" Yesterday, Freddie chanted ALL DAY LONG "jehova, grandma." It was hilarious. They love to watch that particular video. So grandma's, if you were feeling extra love, it was from Fred.  :)

Cedrik says it makes his body feel better. I know what he means. I have more patience and understanding. I know that with praising God you can totally transform. I think meditation and chanting mantras while praising God elevates your entire being.  Our house is functioning better than it ever has.   

I found a new one that you do for your children: to remember the divine spirits that they are and to help them turn to God. It is beautiful. 

Just give it a try! Try meditating to one of these for a week and see if there are any changes. 

If you are worried that meditation and Christianity cannot co-exist, I invite you to study your scriptures and pray about it.  Psalms 5:1, Psalms 19:14. There are SO many more. 

Bethany: I would recommend this one for you!  It is a healing meditation. :) (everyone needs healing-so listen to this one if the others don't interest you!).

I am loving this one. It helps with communication and brings you into balance.  It is supposedly the "base" mantra for all other mantras. I especially love that video because she teaches you how to do the hand movements (I think called the mudra). And her voice is beautiful. 

“Meditation centered upon divine realities is the very essence and soul of prayer. It is the silent reaching of the soul towards the Eternal. More petitionary prayer without meditation is a body without a soul, and is powerless to lift the mind and heart above sin and affliction.” James Allen, As a Man Thinketh, Vol. 2.

27 April 2014

This week in review

We are still reading lots of books.  Every day after naps (yes, they still nap!) They are allowed to play kindle for a little bit and then we have our "tea time" and read poems too. This may be my favorite time of day.  They both sit and listen attentively and laugh at funny poems and ask to re-read others.  We also read short stories. Then we play outside (or watch a movie if it's raining). Freddie asks to watch Frozen daily (we don't watch it daily-but it did rain a lot this week so we watched it a couple of times). They love to sing the songs. 

Their nighttime playtime is insane.  They pretend to be different people,  Maryn, Lily, characters from frozen, the list goes on. They do everything from fight snow monsters to ride horses, to playing mario (with a pooh bear as the control). They finally pass out. They have so much energy. 

Eloise cut her two bottom teeth this week (both boys didn't until 9 and 8 months-she just turned 6 months). Her top two teeth are about to come through too.  She doesn't even whine about it.  She is seriously so amazing. Jordan and I joke that she is "his little creeper." She gets a huge grin with these crazy eyes everytime he is in the room.  She will not look away from him.  She just holds the stare. I need to get a picture of it; it's hilarious. 

23 April 2014

Eloise The Wiggler

She wiggled from the other side of the bed, turned 90 degrees and plopped herself into the co-sleeper.  She is so adorable.