25 June 2009

Off into the Great Wild West...I mean East.

Early tomorrow morning we are leaving for Colorful Colorado! We are going to spend 3.2 days with Dad, Mom and Dudo (Spence). The Beabs is coming along for the ride. Her PaPa wouldn't have it any other way! Here are some of the things we will be seeing while we're there:

Fort Collins! (Not the best picture, we'll try to get better ones)

Old Town, in Fort Collins.
On Saturday afternoon we may go shooting at one of Dudo's friend's house.

Sunday afternoon we are planning on taking a trip to Estes Park to have lunch and maybe even ride the gondola.

On Monday Night we are going to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform at Red Rocks Ampitheater.

All in all, this should be a good trip. Hopefully we make it there and back safely and don't pass out from altitude sickness.

Beautiful Colorado.

22 June 2009


If you don't know...don't ask. ;)

We have not had any time to post about our birthdays.

We decided to have a joint birthday party. We had Shayla and the kids over as well as Adrienne, Bryant and Connor and Tim and Donna.

My Lovely Cake.

My new scripture bag and MoTab CD's. :)

A popcorn maker!!

Jordan's battery powerpack. Very exciting.

Caught You

Are you spying on us? Why are you reading our blog?

11 June 2009

Sad and Lonely

I have one quick minute to post a couple of pictures of Bea. Jordan had to work in Ketchum for three days this week (so sad...but at least he got overtime!) and everytime the suitcase comes out, BeaBea gets sad and smells it and looks at him with her sad, lonely eyes.

After the first night Jordan was away, Beabs wanted nothing to do with me. She didn't want to look at me, she didn't want to move. She slept all day and night. Nothing. Let's hope today when he gets home she is rested enough to play with him.
Can you feel her pain???