31 December 2010

Porter Utah Christmas

Jordan had to go to Sun Valley for a few days before we headed down to UT. Cedrik and I had to find fun ways to keep ourselves entertained.

When Jordan got home we opened our Christmas gifts. I got a bread book, called The Bread Bible, some new bread pans, a moby wrap and Gingher sissors. Jordan got some new pants, shoes, shirts, a new holster and a few other things. Cedrik received clothes, and just in time too! 

He loves being worn in the wrap. He's a Mama's Boy.

We headed down to UT the next morning and here are some highlights:

Cedrik got to play with Taycee alot. They didn't quite know what to think of each other.

He was reunited with a phone (we lost his).

He got kisses from cousin Bowen.

We tried getting a picture of the three babies. These are just a few of the shots. None of them turned out quite right...imagine that!

He got more clothes from Grandma Porter.

We all played Bingo on Christmas Eve. The best tradition ever!

Cedrik got to pull some long hair.




Grandpa Porter.

Good treats.

DUN Dun dunnnnnn.....

Bingo Prizes inlcuded:

Neil Diamond Christmas Special...

Eye books...

1970's owl wall hanging...

Glasses that double as a straw...

And Cedrik got to try banana. He loved it.

As you can see it was a very exciting trip and we were exhausted when we got home!

20 December 2010

Flu Bugs

Jordan was sick last week. We're pretty sure it was the flu. I thought Cedrik and I were in the clear because neither of us seemed to be getting sick. Wrong! It took awhile to set in. Now we have sore throats, a small, random, cough, and runny noses. Jordan definately had the worst of it. He had a 103 degree fever and had to actually basically take a day, well mostly, off of work. I've never seen him so sick...probably because he doesn't get sick. Cedrik had a slight fever for a couple hours yesterday. It went away fast and he didn't seem at all bothered. He slept all day long on me and we rested. Every time he was put down in his crib his eyes shot wide open and once I picked him up he was passed back out.

He seems to be feeling better today, he's playing with his toys more and rolling around but still sleeping more than usual. His voice is so sad! He can't cry loud and everytime he makes a sound it sounds like he's losing his voice. :(

Something very interesting I learned is that breastmilk containes the specific antibodies he needs to fight his illness!! Yet another reason to nurse!


Christmas Part 1:
We are going to UT this coming weekend for Christmas...so we decided to have Christmas with Dad and Donna a week early. We had our ward party on Saturday and it was pretty fun. The food was really good and the message was great too. Dad and Donna came as well and then afterwards we exchanged gifts. We even got a picture of Cedrik with Santa. We had to back him into Santa's lap so he wouldn't know what was going on. Although, he did end up seeing Santa and he just stared. I was hoping for the screaming baby picture but my dreams will have to wait until next year.




Oh, it makes noise?!?

Jordan and I really enjoy our Christmases. They seem to stretch out...and neither of us can wait to have the other open their presents. We usually end up opening a few early but so what! We are adults and can do our Christmas the way we want to....at least until next year. Then we'll have to do our early exchange while Cedrik sleeps.

Who Needs Toys Anyway

08 December 2010

Army Crawl

So, yesterday I mentioned that Cedrik is trying to crawl but is only pushing himself backwards. That post was while he was sleeping. When he woke up, we seemed to have a new child. He started army crawling. Ok, so he only moved about a foot, but still. Today he is going even farther and getting his legs into it so he'll get to his toys faster. I am going to try to post a video today.

It seemed pretty early to me for him to be doing this. I thought we'd be waiting till 8 months or something--I haven't reached that point in my baby milestones research (right now I'm studying food). I doubt he'll actually start really crawling for a while. Maybe he'll forget how to do the army crawl during his nap and I'll have my little baby back. I don't want him following me around just yet...this stage is too much fun already and I haven't had enough time!!!

06 December 2010

Funny Boy

Here are a couple of new things about our HUGE boy.

*He fake coughs at Jordan.
*He startles very easily.
*He is starting to hate naptime--if anyone knows why...fill me in.
*He is an explorer and has just discovered door stoppers.
*He still hasn't had a diaper rash.
*He seems interested in our food, but only because we are putting something in our mouths that he can't.
*He's 18.5lbs
*And it's 18.5lbs of love.
*He really wants to crawl, but can only push himself backwards at this point.
*His attention span lasts approximately 10 min.
*He has found his girly scream.

Those are bubbles.

The spatula keeps his attention longer than any of his toys.

We can't put this chair on the counter anymore...

02 December 2010

Thanksgiving Fun!

Our Thanksgiving was wonderful. Thank you for asking. Warren, Mom, and Dudo came up from Colorado. We had so much fun with them and the time went by way too fast. Cedrik loved each of them and it was really fun because he's finally opening up to other people! He is about 18lbs now. He's smiling and laughing to make us smile and laugh and he has a fake cough. He'll fake cough to make Jordan fake cough back at him. He thinks it's hilarious. He's also found his little girl scream. It makes for a wonderful alarm...NOT! We're hoping it passes soon and he'll get back to his usual morning routine of lying in bed with us till we fully wake up. Ok...back to Thanksgiving, I'll post another Cedrik post soon. I'll let the pictures tell the story:

Waiting for the turkey to be done.
For some reason the pictures make the turkey look a little burned. It wasn't burned at all! Perfectly Perfect! 

Cornbread stuffing with Shittake mushrooms, bacon, and sage.

So, although you can see a can of cranberry sauce, that was just the back-up. I made homemade sauce and it was really good and simple! I don't even like cranberry sauce and I ate some. Actually most of us don't like cranberry sauce, but we all agreed it was great! We had a honey baked ham, turkey, stuffing, mashed and sweet potatoes, green beans and rolls. It was all delicious and I was proud of my first Thanksgiving meal!

Like the table cloth? It's one of a kind; I made it! Jordan calls this picture the redneck Thanksgiving: Coke, pickles olives and beans.

Mid-bite picture.

He had a tiny bit of sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes. Mmmm.

Tryptophan #1 (Meet Piper)

Tryptophan #2

On Friday we went Christmas shopping. We got out early enough that the crowds weren't too bad.
Cedrik got a cute hat for church.

And a cute Russian hat.

On Saturday we went up to Idaho City and cut down a Christmas tree. Mom stayed in the car with Cedrik. Warren was going to come up with us, but after he realized the snow was to his knees (my mid-thighs) he decided to wait at the road with Piper. Jordan and I walked up a hill, then down and found a cute tree. It looks just like last years tree! It was fun, we were very cold and Jordan had snow down his shoes. Porter Family Christmas Tree Tradition lives on for another year!

I fell a few times.

Decorating for Christmas. I'm a star.

Cute tree. It's a couple inches shorter than last year, but hey, it's hard to judge how tall the tree is when you're freezing and want to get back to warmth!