08 September 2011

We're moving!

We finally found a new place to move.  It is a town home about 6 miles north of where we live now.  We'll be out of this place by the end of the month!  Hooray!  I'll get pictures posted after we're settled.

Labor Day

Labor Day weekend was not full of rest for Jordan.  We went to Utah and Jordan did the tile in the basement bathroom.  It was supposed to be a couple hour job but it turned into an all weekend project.  It turned out great and guess what? No pictures!  I'll get them the next time we go down there.  In fact, these are the only pictures I took the entire weekend.  We did have fun.  We had enchiladas and tortellini soup, not on the same day.  We ate a lot of cookies and other treats.  It was a yummy weekend!

Spirit of Boise