08 February 2013

Lewiston Times Two

Jordan had to go up to Lewiston for a an overnight trip a couple weeks ago.  Our camera was broken so we didn't take pictures that time.  It was also a last minute thing so I didn't prepare anything.  I had no treats for the boys for the drive so when we stopped I got them some breakfast bars and fig newtons (seriously).  Then that night we were so ready to be out of the car we just went to taco bell.  It wasn't good.  We got nachos and bean and cheese burritos.  Bleh.

That night went really well.  Cedrik snuggled!!  That never happens and was incredibly amazing.  We watched HGTV which we haven't done in years and it was fun.  The next morning we went and had breakfast in Clarkston, Washington (Lewsiton, Clarkston: Lewis and Clark...get it?  Jordan had to point that out to me.).  It wasn't very good either.  They do have a run down train in the middle of town that Cedrik LOVED. 

The next week we had to go back.  We had our camera this time.  We had mexican food at a restaurant that had great reviews online and we had amazing cheese enchiladas.  We played at the train and Cedrik and Freddie loved cruising around it and touching everything.  Freddie especially loved the rocks on the ground and he really likes to be outside. The next morning we had waffles.  I had buckwheat and Cedrik had a regular one.  Jordan had hashbrowns with salsa, mushrooms, onions and peppers.  They were really good.  So the second trip went much better.  We had better food to eat and better food to eat in the car.  The novelty of being in the car for such a long period of time two weeks in a row wore off but the boys were still really good.  Before we left we walked across the bridge and Cedrik loved this.  He loves anything that has to do with construction or moving things (trains especially).  He loved watching the ducks and geese in the water.  He also got to watch Dora the Explorer which for some reason he loves even though he has only watched it about 2 other times--he was asking to watch it before I had even decided he could watch anything and I didn't know if that was on or even that he remembered the show!  His memory is really good.

There were so many trains on the way up there (and tracks and trestles) so Cedrik loved watching them and counting the cars.  This is how he counts "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, 13, 16, 17, 16, 17, 16, 17, 16, 17!!!"  His voices gets really high when he says the last 16 and 17.  It is SO cute.

He loves Thomas.  So, every train is named Thomas.

It was windy.

We were looking at yet another train at the bottom of the hill.

I know...

It has been awhile.

Our camera broke.  So we had to get a new one.  I'm sure I've already forgot some things that have happened.  I have not forgotten that Freddie is now walking.  Is is seriously good at it.  He can turn around and pick things up and his favorite thing to do is to hold something and walk around.  He is even happier if that something needs to be balanced.  We have a wooden egg that fits in a cup (not as weird as it sounds) and he loves to walk around with that and balance the egg in the cup.  He also LOVES to stack things and tear up any activity that Cedrik is doing.  I'm sure he is just trying to help.  The last couple of days he has realized that we fold our arms when we pray so now when we say it is time to eat he folds his arms and grunts.  He grunts for everything.  He doesn't ever open his mouth to talk, unless it is to say Dada, but he grunts "mmmhmmm" and shakes his head yes, or said "mmmMmmm" and shakes his head no.  Or he just grunts and touches my chest for milk.  He is super funny.  Last night was the first night that he slept through the night!!  He is 14 months old.  I'm sure most people would say that is too long without sleeping through the night.  Maybe...but I did make it.  He sleeps until between 8 & 9 every day and he and Cedrik play until they fall asleep every night.  Most of the time they laugh hysterically, sometimes there is yelling.

They play well almost all day long.  Cedrik can't wait for Freddie to get up in the morning.  Cedrik is talking non-stop.  He says the funniest things.  Most days he is very helpful and we have been working very hard on not hitting.  His emotions can get so intense for him, mostly when he doesn't get his way and then he hits or kicks.  We have been doing a sticker chart for getting dressed in the morning and putting toys away at night.  He has LOVED this and so have I.  Things he has said that are funny: Tonight in the truck he was sitting in his car seat and he arched his back, got a solomn look on his face and said "I'm not pooping.  I'm fluffing." He has started the "Why mom?"  Today we were talking about helping Jesus and he said that he helps Jesus with the truck (not sure what this means).  He also helps Jesus with Papa.

I got a new calling a few months ago; this could be another reason I haven't blogged.  I'm the second counselor in the Relief Society.  I have learned so much in a couple of months and I'm surprised at how much I care for the women in my ward and I do feel like Heavenly Father is keenly aware of their needs.  I had to give my first lesson in January and I think it went pretty well.  It was about making our homes more like the temple. 

And then...there was the day my best friend moved.  Well, she didn't move by herself.  Her husband got a new (great) job in New Hampshire.  Yes, a very VERY long way away.  This also means that Cedrik's best friends, Connor and Lily moved away. Tonight he asked yelled down the stairs that he wanted Connor and Lily to come to our house.  It was very sad.  I'm still sad.  Well, I'm choosing to call it "mourning."

It did finally get warm again so we have been able to go for walks in the afternoon and that helps to break up these long winter days.

We did buy a new camera.  We are still trying to figure out exactly how it works and all of the settings so these pictures will not be amazing.