30 July 2010

1 1/2 Trips to Utah

Jordan had to do surveillance in Malad this week. Last week on Friday we headed to Utah, as Logan is just about exactly the same distance to Malad as Pocatello. So we thought we'd stay with his parents and visit family while he had to work. That way I'd get to spend some time with the girls and not be so lonely without him!

Well...we got about half way there when he realized that the address didn't exist. It couldn't be found on a map and the Oneida County Assesors Office was closed for a Utah holiday. That's right, Pioneer Day. An Idaho county celebrates a Utah holiday, who would have thought?!

So we decided to go home instead of going to UT, because once we found out on Monday whether or not the address existed, we'd be heading back there anyway.
Monday rolls around and guess what? The address didn't exist, but he found a brother's address on the same road. So we packed back up and headed back out. The "house" ended up being in the middle of nowhere at the opening of a canyon, on a private drive that could barely be seen from the road. Needless to say, he only completed
4 hrs of surveillance before it was called off. We came back home that afternoon. That's more than enough travelling for a month!

But...here are some highlights. Cedrik was awake a lot of the time and we were able to hang out with Grandma Porter and Chari and Taycee also came over to hang out. Cedrik is just about 2 months younger than Taycee...but take a look at the size difference. (Cedrik is almost as big as she is!)

He couldn't stop staring at her.

She couldn't stop hitting him in the face.

20 July 2010

Little Love

Here are a few things I love about my new little man:

*I love the grunts he lets out while he wakes up and stretches

*I love that he will only take a pacifier sometimes

*I love how he looks when he's gulped too much water from the bottle

*I love his big hands and feet

*I especially love when he tickles my ribs as he eats

*I love that Jordan was the first person Cedrik smiled at (and is the only one he's smiled at)

*I love his "oooooo" face he makes when he's done eating

*I love his little, and sometimes big, fluffs

*I love that I can make him calm just by picking him up and holding him

*I absolutely love when he eats his hand when he's hungry
*I love his "g" butt
*I love his drunk face and grumbles when he's drank too much

*I love that when he's on his stomach he thinks it's time to eat

*I love how he snuggles
*I love seeing how much stronger he is becoming every day

*I love how soundly he sleeps on my chest

He's my perfect little love!