21 November 2015


She LOVES to help. I hope it lasts forever.

19 November 2015

Cranberry Thanksgiving

We LOVED this book.

We are learning a (or is it "the"?) Doxology.

At the end of this week Cedrik said he didn't want it to end! Success! 

We learned about cranberry farms, made cranberry bread twice, conducted highly technical cranberry bouncing experiments, ate dried cranberries, drank cranberry juice, estimated the number of popcorn kernels on different sizes of pictures, proceeded to eat those kernels after popping, made silhouettes, sewed leaf garlands, acted out the story. 

It's weeks like these I'm happy we do school at home. It's also weeks like these that make up for our slower weeks. 

Snow (ish)

We had a skiff of snow two nights in a row. The boys were thrilled. Each morning they were out when the sun came up. Too bad it didn't last past 10am!

18 November 2015

Native Americans

We've been studying the United States for awhile now. This past week we did Native Americans. They loved it. It was a more relaxed week too. Axes, feather hats, Pocahontas, John Smith, Jamestown, corn. It was fun- I only documented a small portion of the week.

And We're Done

But not really. Cedrik completed his reading lessons. All 100. It was hard work. He is so proud of himself. Finishing has given him a lot of confidence in reading other books now and it is awesome. Grandma Porter gave him some Dr Suess books and he is loving them. 

To celebrate we went to Rockies diner. The kids all chose breakfast for dinner, which they thought was the best thing ever. They also requested old songs for the old dj to play for them-Sharee was the first. Grammy and Grandpa went with us and it was so fun! 

Later, Cedrik got to play Jr. Monopoly-his prize for completing the book. He feels it is a totally wonderful accomplishment. 

10 November 2015

Big Jim

During our Who Owns The Sun week, we all got sick. It was sad. Both Jordan and I were sick all night. Thankfully it was on alternating nights so we could take care of each other during the day and the house didn't totally go into disarray. We watched a lot of movies and laid on the couch a lot too.

The boys were most affected by it. Yuck. I really dislike stomach bugs.

Anyway, back to school: we loved the book. We talked a little about slavery and coincidentally (or not) we are also studying Joseph being sold into Egypt for our scripture study right now. His colorful coat fit with our previous book and obviously slavery fit with this one. The boys picked the themes up themselves too, which was a mom bonus.

We made lists of things too beautiful/wonderful to own. We made Big Jim biscuits and rested.

The week was finished with new winter coats and a hot chocolate stand on the windiest day of the year. It was a joke. I told the boys the wind was laughing at us, which is something Big Jim tells his son about the wind. Perfect.

05 November 2015

It all started...

...coming home from our trip to Utah. Eloise threw up in the truck. We thought it was just because she ate too much junk. Then the boys and I were sick a couple of nights later and Jordan followed the next night.

We've had a long week.

04 November 2015

U.S. of A.

Volcanoes of Hawaii, mountain ranges, lava study, garden burgers and fries, president and government. We had a more relaxed homeschooling week. Oobleck was also included and is completely unrelated to our country, I think. 

One of my favorite things is listening to Jordan practice the organ (hence the picture). 

Autumn Fun

We love Trader Joes. It seems I keep having to take the kids with me, which sometimes is insane. I try to stick with the list, but sometimes I get to the checkout and end up with extra crackers and sardines. Eloise loves to push the cart and she is the one who gets to sneak things in...and she's really good at it!

The leaves are falling everywhere which is beautiful and sad at the same time. We still have zinnias blooming which is fantastic for November. Jordan's work on the gardens are still getting compliments.