This summer has been unusually busy with playdates. Each week Cedrik gets to play with Connor and Lily while Adrienne and I get to talk and talk and talk and talk. Ok, we do plan things for the kids to do so they aren't running around wild, well, kind of. But he has also been able to play with Amelia and her little brother (a few months younger than Freddie) Colin. Amelia and Cedrik are both getting into the "not wanting to share" stage so it is a little more tiresome to keep them happy with each other. But, they love to hug each other. And Connor, likes to kiss Cedrik, on the mouth. Adrienne has told me that he doesn't do that to any other least they are loving!
Smoothie |
We do talk and talk and talk, and my kids are the ones who run wild, despite my best efforts. Sigh. And we're working on swapping the kiss for a high five. It makes sense that Cedrik is the only one that Connor kisses, because he is the only little boy who has kissed Connor. What loving boys we are raising. :)