Cedrik turned two about a week and half ago. We had a really nice day, nothing too exciting. Every time we asked him if it was his birthday he responded "JEAH!" Instead of baking a cake (I had baked one a few days before and we were caked out) we went to Goody's. Instead of Ice Cream he chose a mint chocolate covered Oreo. It was all over his mouth, but he was cleaner than
the year before. I'm not sure which year was harder or more fun. This year had different challenges. Cedrik found his tantrums early in life but he has been so much calmer lately. Jordan loves this stage that Cedrik is in--he loves that he will talk to him and blab about anything. He helps me SO much with Freddie. He is almost always willing to help unload the dishwasher, dryer and put clothes into the dryer. He still puts his clothes in the hamper and cleans his room. He is starting to learn how to make his bed and I consider him potty-trained (minus nighttime). He loves praise, and short hugs and kisses. The only time he wants to snuggle is right before bed "mama, yay (lay)" "dada yay." This is new and we have a chance to check in and hear everything he has done in the day. He is learning new words every day and is trying to copy many things that we say. He is hilarious...a serious hilarious. He still has stern eyes but they are also very loving eyes. He loves Freddie and brings him toys to cheer him up. He loves everything his Dad does and wishes he could do the exact same things. WE LOVE HIM.
We played golf |
He rode his bike |
Of course presents |
Freddie found his feet |
Happy birthday!! How fun!