About a year ago, I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I had no idea that within one year I would be married, and planning on going to the temple, being endowed and getting sealed for TIME AND ALL ETERNITY to the man whom I have chosen.
I had no idea, a year ago, that my life was so full of holes. I thought I was perfectly happy and some-what healthy. Now I know what it is like to have a clear conscience, have some-what healthy eating habits (I still love junk-food), not have unhealthy addictive habits and actually care for those around me. I also know that there are many people out there who care for me as well. I'll probably never know how many people prayed on my behalf to have my heart softened to the Gospel and the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. Thank you! Your prayers truly worked and I am happy to say that one year after baptism I am prepared to enter the temple. (I have no idea where this year went...oh wait, I got baptized, engaged and married...that's where it went.)
I had no idea, a year ago, that my life was so full of holes. I thought I was perfectly happy and some-what healthy. Now I know what it is like to have a clear conscience, have some-what healthy eating habits (I still love junk-food), not have unhealthy addictive habits and actually care for those around me. I also know that there are many people out there who care for me as well. I'll probably never know how many people prayed on my behalf to have my heart softened to the Gospel and the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. Thank you! Your prayers truly worked and I am happy to say that one year after baptism I am prepared to enter the temple. (I have no idea where this year went...oh wait, I got baptized, engaged and married...that's where it went.)
I thought that at baptism I had the best feeling ever--not knowing what was to come....my marriage, endowment ceremony and our sealing. That day, I was fully clean. But, as I am going to the temple next week, I have realized that I am still that person. I have been living my life according to the principles I have been taught and I am as clean today as I was on July 15, 2008. What a wonderful feeling. I have gained an even stronger testimony of Jesus Christ, The Book of Mormon and The Church in this past year.
I hope that anyone who is questioning, wondering, contemplating about where their life should be headed, will test the Lord by asking about The Book of Mormon, as I did. I assure them, that with a humble heart and mind, they'll get the same answer I, and 13 million other memebers, have received.

I'm very excited for you. I'm glad you're my sister in law. Jordan did the right choice picking a person who is fun and great to be around. Congrats!