I have combined all of our Halloween activities into this one post. Lily came over and she and Cedrik painted with apples. They were supposed to turn out looking like pumpkins, it ended up just being a big orange and purple mess. At least they had fun. :)

We drove to Utah on Friday and Cedrik got in a little nap. Before he fell asleep he pulled out all of his books and they ended up piled around him while he slept.
We had a very fun Halloween Party. We were dressed up as superheros.
Mother Eve, Fat Head Fisted, Spell Chick, The Hibernator, Dr. (Something--I cannot think of the name), A Cowboy, Happy Little Super Hero, Autumn Crocus, Whatever Brandon was, and a Big Baby. |
Happy Little Super Hero. He was married to the only villain! |
Scotch Guard, Galaxy Girl, Fashion Hero, Toilet Paper Girl, Super Nerd and Major Pain. |
For our family home evening before Halloween we decided to make a jackolantern. Cedrik thought it was awesome. But each time he reached into the pumpkin he would only pull out one seed. Jordan had to take the rest out himself.

Cedrik chose to make a happy face. He wanted a "happy nose" to go along with it. |
On Halloween we went and had pizza at Dad and Donna's house and then we went trick-or-treating (that seems really weird spelled out). At the first house Cedrik got scared because a couple of scary dogs were barking inside. After Jordan and I dragged him to the next house he calmed down. My dad had a flashlight that he used after each house to see how much more candy Cedrik was getting. After a couple of houses Cedrik was turning around as fast as he could to tell Papa "Papa, I got more! I got more 'tandy' Papa!" At one house Cedrik decided he was going to try to steal candy from another boy's basket. There were some other kids dressed with paint and masks on and Cedrik kept saying "people see you."
Freddie was a cute monkey. |
Cedrik was a school bus...not to be confused with a school bus driver. |
Jordan made the costume and in the front is where his candy was held. It was a big hit. |
Papa teaching Cedrik to say "trick or treat." And no, Freddie did not face plant. |

Cedrik has asked for his candy for a few days now and he calls it his Happy Halloween Candy.
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