Yes, Cedrik is in a diaper because he had an accident and I forgot extra clothes! |
My Dad, Tim, and I have not always had the best relationship. After my parents divorced, it was strained (that being the nicest word I can come up with at the moment). It wasn't until I was in college that we finally reached an agreement that neither of us was going to see the perspective of the other person. We decided to leave the past in the past and move forward. Now we have a great friendship. We can still debate things, learn from each other and it is wonderful to see his relationship with our sons blossoming.

This man, Warren, is my step-dad. After my parents divorced, my mom was married to him quickly and I moved to Colorado and lived with them during my teenage years. Since my mom traveled, Warren and I developed a very close relationship. We are very alike and that sometimes cause disagreements, but we both knew that we loved each other. I'll never know how hard it was for him to marry my mom and gain two kids (one almost a teenage girl). He never made us feel like we weren't his. It was understood that he was our dad too. Now, he has two grandchildren and he is an amazing Papa. I wish he lived closer so our boys could learn some of the amazing things he taught me.

This man, my husband, is the best dad I have ever known. He is patient, caring, kind, loving, passionate, protective, and above the rest: holds the priesthood honorably. Cedrik and Freddie love him. I love him and I'm so happy that he is the father of my children. There's no one better!