27 June 2012

Turning TWO

Cedrik turned two about a week and half ago.  We had a really nice day, nothing too exciting.  Every time we asked him if it was his birthday he responded "JEAH!"  Instead of baking a cake (I had baked one a few days before and we were caked out) we went to Goody's.  Instead of Ice Cream he chose a mint chocolate covered Oreo.  It was all over his mouth, but he was cleaner than the year before.  I'm not sure which year was harder or more fun.  This year had different challenges.  Cedrik found his tantrums early in life but he has been so much calmer lately.  Jordan loves this stage that Cedrik is in--he loves that he will talk to him and blab about anything.  He helps me SO much with Freddie.  He is almost always willing to help unload the dishwasher, dryer and put clothes into the dryer.  He still puts his clothes in the hamper and cleans his room.  He is starting to learn how to make his bed and I consider him potty-trained (minus nighttime).  He loves praise, and short hugs and kisses.  The only time he wants to snuggle is right before bed "mama, yay (lay)" "dada yay."  This is new and we have a chance to check in and hear everything he has done in the day.  He is learning new words every day and is trying to copy many things that we say.  He is hilarious...a serious hilarious.  He still has stern eyes but they are also very loving eyes.  He loves Freddie and brings him toys to cheer him up.  He loves everything his Dad does and wishes he could do the exact same things. WE LOVE HIM.

We played golf

He rode his bike

Of course presents

Freddie found his feet

Summer Time!

Crazy Eyes

It doesn't have any batteries but he still prefers if you smile when he shoves it in your face.

I love their feet!

Learning to use the hose-gross motor skill?

Burdock, random herbs, comfrey, plantain and a hosta in the back

lemon balm, spearmint, mint, petunias, chamomile

strawberry, marshmallow, catnip

18 June 2012

Three Dads

Yes, Cedrik is in a diaper because he had an accident and I forgot extra clothes!
My Dad, Tim, and I have not always had the best relationship.  After my parents divorced, it was strained (that being the nicest word I can come up with at the moment).  It wasn't until I was in college that we finally reached an agreement that neither of us was going to see the perspective of the other person.  We decided to leave the past in the past and move forward.  Now we have a great friendship.  We can still debate things, learn from each other and it is wonderful to see his relationship with our sons blossoming.

This man, Warren, is  my step-dad.  After my parents divorced, my mom was married to him quickly and I moved to Colorado and lived with them during my teenage years.  Since my mom traveled, Warren and I developed a very close relationship.  We are very alike and that sometimes cause disagreements, but we both knew that we loved each other.  I'll never know how hard it was for him to marry my mom and gain two kids (one almost a teenage girl).  He never made us feel like we weren't his.  It was understood that he was our dad too.  Now, he has two grandchildren and he is an amazing Papa.  I wish he lived closer so our boys could learn some of the amazing things he taught me.

This man, my husband, is the best dad I have ever known.  He is patient, caring, kind, loving, passionate, protective, and above the rest: holds the priesthood honorably.  Cedrik and Freddie love him.  I love him and I'm so happy that he is the father of my children.  There's no one better!

07 June 2012

Cedrik and Freddie

  • Loves talking.
  • Loves learning colors and letters.
  • Has pooped on the potty and only rarely has peeing accidents (usually when I forget to take him for hours).  He has even started telling me and running to the bathroom, a few times on his own and the only reason I knew anything happened was because the toilet flushed.
  • LOVES the garbage man, garbage day, taking the garbage out to the garbage can, garbage cans on the side of the road, the garbage truck sound and talking about anything remotely related to any of these things.
  • Lawnmowers, weedeaters, airplanes, helicopters, fire trucks, the wind, rain and all sounds associated with each.
  • Likes my made up song about birds. Made up songs about Freddie, Daddy, etc.
  • Chocolate.
  • Says "Kachi" for cookie, "mewk" for milk, "ish" for ice
  • Has started saying "love you."
  • Gave me the best hug of my life yesterday--one he initiated, took me by surprise, and he just held on to me.  It was so wonderful.
  • Greets his Dad every day either at the garage door or in the garage.  
  • Gets upset when Dad has to go work outside of the home and can't take us with him.  He will whine, pout and scream "DADA" when he realizes he is gone.
  • Knows how to use our phones, loves to steal phones and make his own voice recordings
  • Tries to make his bed and puts his clean socks and pajamas away and loves to empty the silverware from the dishwasher.
  • Loves to roll Freddie.
  • Is still as intense as ever, but is so much more affectionate than we thought he'd be. He will give kisses all day long (mainly to Freddie).
  •  Loves talking, screaming, cooing, gurgling, shaking and kicking
  • Doesn't care about rolling over or trying to get any toys that he can't immediately reach
  • Will wait for someone to get him out of bed, almost always without making a sound
  • Is 20 lbs at 6 months old and is wearing 9 month clothes, almost 12 month
  • Loves his little green monkey stuffed animal. He shakes with delight when he sees it.
  • Contagiously laughs at Cedrik's jumping and dancing.
  • Puts up with Cedrik rolling him all over the living room.
  • Is a complete smelly boy...all.the.time.
  • Sweats, under his armpits, his head, his feet, behind his knees, every day.
  • Loves being kissed and held.
  • Is so patient.
  • Not anywhere close to being ready to eat solids.
  • Likes being read to and sung to.

02 June 2012

Memorial Weekend Visitors

Warren and Mom came out for Memorial Weekend.  It happened to also be my birthday weekend and we had a wonderful time.  THIS POST IS LONG.  I am going to walk you through the weekend with the pictures.
Warren made the table and chairs.  They are absolutely beautiful.  He did a fantastic job and we have used them every single day.  Cedrik loves having a place he can sit and do his activities and eat snacks.

They played with crazy dough (off brand of play dough) which was promptly thrown away.  It stuck to everything and wasn't any fun--I made them smile anyway.

For my birthday dinner we went to Fork.  Thanks to Adrienne for recommending the butter cake, is it so fantastic.  We also had the grilled artichoke and I had the bbq pulled chicken sandwich with all the extras. SO.GOOD.

Freddie fell asleep about 10 minutes after we arrived and slept the entire time.  He's wonderful.

Cedrik wanted to drive home.

Red Velvet cake from scratch; my mom made it.  It was pretty good.  Jordan sang me happy birthday and took me to see The Avengers.  It is a really good movie. 

A woman I visit teach has chicks.  Adrienne, don't be jealous. :)  We were able to watch the over them weekend. Cedrik thought they were awesome.

This doesn't even need a description.  He's just a boy.

Cedrik is particular.  He doesn't like bugs, he mostly doesn't like his hands dirty and he is intense about both of these things.  But, Papa held the rolie polie, so he was brave enough to touch it after a few minutes. 

Since Papa left, Cedrik loves to lay down on the ground to look at bugs. 

Breakfast at Elmer's.  The decor can't be beat.

Yes, he fell asleep holding on.

Mom took Cedrik, Freddie and me to the aquarium.  If you haven't been there yet, it is worth the 9 dollars!  Yes, it is Boise, but just like the Zoo, they have done an amazing job with a little amount of space and probably not very much money.  It looks like they are adding on, but it was totally cool.  (I wouldn't buy the fish food again, Cedrik didn't get it and it was just as cool to pet everything)

Jordan loves these cuttlefish.  There is a great Nova about them.  They are very smart.

Iguanas.  I'm not sure why is this at an aquarium.  I guess they do live in an aquarium, but still not something I think of when the word "aquarium" comes to mind.  Cedrik thought it felt very cool. 

This is a fish.  Seriously.

Birds.  Again, not sure why they are at the aquarium, but they were funny to watch.

You can touch almost everything.  In this little area there were starfish and horseshoe crabs, among other things.  Cedrik let go of his fear at the beginning and wanted to touch everything.  It was so wonderful!

He was given a tricycle for his birthday.  It is completely precious to see him on it and the first time he got on I was teary eyed.  He's no longer my baby and it's hard to let that go.  BUT he is in such a wonderful stage that I can't be sad for long.

He's about 1/4" too short.  In about a month he'll be racing the neighbor boy!

Warren washed windows.  Then they realized the windows pop out--this made Jordan very happy.

We went to a park and Cedrik had a blast playing with Papa and Jordan.  Anytime he can play with the both of them he is so happy.  He loves his Papa and Baba.

I love them.  And Fred too.