Shayla working her magic...
Taycee decided that she liked Uncle Jordan this weekend. She even sat on his lap while he read her a book (silly voices included).
Chari wanted to try the Trailor Park Cafe, that has been seen on The Food Network. Well, it was grungy (i.e. not clean) and the food was ok. We found out at the end of the meal (After the waitress said, "I was going to offer dessert, but we just ran out" at 2pm) that they are closing, today! The co-op bought it out. Don't worry if you never tried're not missing out!
The coolest part of the restaurant.
We also went to the nature center downtown. If you haven't been there this time of year, it is gorgeous. The kids liked looking at the fish, but they definitely had their schedules thrown off and it can be seen on their faces. They hung in their though and I think had fun. Brandon absolutely loved looking at the fish.
Sleep deprivation.
In this video, Taycee realizes they're being watched and pushes him away (before that she was letting him shower her with affection). Then they walk away like nothing is going on. So sly.
Love the pictures! I recall visiting you guys last Thanksgiving weekend.....but I guess that didn't count! :) You have a standing invitation at our house anytime.