Last Saturday was the first Saturday in MONTHS that Jordan didn't have to work. We did go clean the church early in the morning and both went to choir practice. (Yes, Jordan sings bass and the choir director couldn't stop talking about how he is a "ringer")
So...after the church activities we headed up past Lucky Peak. We bought my fishing pole the night before. Jordan kept going on and on and on about how it was such a nice rod for only $30. :) I was also able to pick out my own spinner. I named him "Howard."

Us right before leaving.
(I can't ever get his head totally in the screen)

Beabs in the truck on the way there. Once we hit the dirt road, we rolled down the window and let BeaBea hang her head out the window (probably her second favorite thing--1st is sleeping--).

This was actually his second catch. I forgot the camera in the truck for the 1st one.

The area we fished by. Arrow Rock?

This was my only catch. It looks oddly similar to Jordan's. hmmm

Beabs didn't get fully in the water. She bent down half way in and sat for awhile. Then she decided to snif the sand.
All in all it was a perfect day. We caught three fish all together; we just weren't sure if they were different fish. I only lost one spinner in the weeds; but I did get my line stuck about 7 times.

Our "fishing as a family bonding experience" was lovely.
Wow, I had no idea Jordan could sing. Maybe he should practice then he can be a popstar, or rap singer. Oh wait, He can't do that, I'm going to have the singing career.