29 March 2016


Easter has become my favorite holiday. And not for the peeps! I can't stand peeps. We had an Easter egg hunt on Saturday and the kids had fun. Cedrik find the golden egg this year-which was his ultimate goal. 

Their baskets had a book, a fancy drink, homemade bread, jam and tea. I decorated around with flowers and pictures of a couple of ancestors. We talked about the people we will see again. 

Jordan played the organ beautifully at church.

Chandler Visits

Chandler stopped by for a visit and we loved seeing him! The kids absolutely love him. We hope he comes back soon.


The girls are just adorable.

I made a wreath and it looks awesome.


Idaho Bangs

After naps one day, Freddie was sporting some Idaho bangs. It was hilarious.

Eloise is especially interested in Taycee's hair and asks to have her hair look the same every day.

Russia and Orange Juice

We read Another Celebrated Dancing Bear and learned about Russia. The boys loved learning about what time it is in Russia compared to here. They still talk about what the kids are doing over there when we are eating breakfast etc.

We learned about some landmarks, animals that live there, ate cottage cheese and danced. We made matroyshka dolls (recieved some from Amazon that were supposedly made in Russia-this turned out to be false). The kids still like to take them apart and put them back together. 

One day the kids decided they wanted to make orange juice. It is much harder than it looks but they loved it.

Dressing Herself

Great fashion sense.

Lentil Babies

We love lentils and eat a lot of them. Marie prefers her food with flavor-no bland baby food!

28 March 2016

Grandma Smith Visits

All of the kids love Grandma Smith. She bought new tennis shoes, new dresses for the girls and dinner almost every night. 

We had fun lounging and being able to relax together too. The kids got the Good Dinosaur and watched that with her. We were all so sad to see her go! 

We also got new couches for the TV room. The following pictures are the last pictures of the old recliner. I was not sad to see it go! 

Split Chin

While Cedrik has his piano lesson, I have been taking the other three to the park. They have loved the time together.

One week, Eloise split her chin open and there was blood everywhere. We ended up doing butterfly bandages and the scab fell off a little over a week later-yay calendula. She was such a trooper. She hated seeing the blood. Poor babe. As her scab was coming off she kept announcing that her chin was falling off. It was adorable.