Freddie got to go to the fair with Grammy, Papa, John, Shiann and Hartley.
In Grammy's words, "Freddie is fearless!"
He had so much fun. He rode everything he could and had a blast.
Freddie got to go to the fair with Grammy, Papa, John, Shiann and Hartley.
In Grammy's words, "Freddie is fearless!"
He had so much fun. He rode everything he could and had a blast.
Today was cheetahs birthday. Cheetah is a horse. Cedrik's horse. We had eggs for her breakfast and the boys made her cards and Freddie wrapped a present (Eloise's duck). Huge mess, lots of fun.
She loves to dress up and be "premmy" (pretty).
One day this week, she didn't nap. She instead played dress up apparently because when she came out and was in two dresses and said "premimy" (primary). So cute.
I don't know how many kids request crepes (or even know what they are). My kids love them. They are time intensive. So, we don't do them often.
Each time we do it seems to be because some stuffed animal is having their birthday. Today was Dolphin One's birthday. I thought Dauphin was a better name, but Cedrik vetoed it.
They are set on Canada or Russia...and try the crepes.
We told Freddie he could have a kickstand when he needed it. Which meant when he could ride without training wheels. It came about sooner than expected. Now he shows off his bike every day in the driveway. He is so funny. And he is so proud of himself.
Eloise is busy all day. We're not quite sure why, but she is. She helps almost always without being asked. She empties the dryer, sweeps, gathers blankets, "minkie's" (binkies), burp cloths, and clothes all day for Marie. She is going to be the best older sister in existence.
She likes to play with the boys, but usually wanders the yard. I think she must be tuning into the trees, plants and animals. She just wanders.
She is very interested in food. She loves to eat almost everything, especially fruit and beans.
She sings all day long. I love to see the temple is her favorite song, followed closely by the cleanup song and popcorn popping.
She dislikes anything on the TV unless it is the old spiderman or winnie the pooh. It's hilarious.
Oh, and she dresses herself.
We have a recliner that is comfy, ugly, and used all day long. All the kids will sit with me at one time.
We read in it.
Watch movies.
Take selfies.
Take naps.
Rock the baby.
Cedrik and Freddie spend a lot of the day outside. They have begun building a road, inspired by the road building mighty machines episode. Each day they give me their lunch order, pretend to pay and eat outside after their orders are called at the door.
They know a lot of the people that walk by our house and say hi to everyone or wave as they drive by. Their favorite person is actually a dog named Fred. They see him most days and Fred gets so excited for them he stares the house down waiting for them to emerge. Sometimes he happily barks in their face. He's an old golden retriever but manages to bounce up and down for them. There is a mutual love.
Cedrik's new consequence for his yelling is to take a few laps around the backyard. He has to walk the perimeter of the grass as many laps as we assign. Sometimes he decides to pout for awhile before doing it. Sometimes the pouting is a loud yell. I figure if it's after 8am, oh well. I know he needs extra love, but he's trying to pull away from it.
Most said word of the weekend: "Tayce." Taycee...and Chari and Brody came to visit us. Taycee was the hit of the weekend. The kids played outside most of the time. Brody loved the "cows" in the dig spot. They played with water guns and on Saturday Jordan set up the pool. The boys were sun burned-which has only happened a couple other times!
Eloise wasn't too sure of Brody after he pushed her down a couple times.
We went out for ice cream and the kids loved watching it being made.
We played clue and monopoly after the kids were in bed and sat up talking late each night. We wish they lived here!