We spent Christmas in Utah. It always feels like Christmas down there. Carla has her huge, CUTE village set up in the living room with garland and trees, Santa collection, beautiful Christmas needlework and wreaths. Her house even looks like a gingerbread house with the lights on outside (I don't think this was intentional, but I am not the first to comment on it). I will give details with pictures.
Our truck ran horribly (understatement) the whole time we were down there. We found out when we got home and had it checked that the exhaust had a crack in it (which we knew) but that the catalytic converter was plugged. Fun.
Jordan got to see Stuart, his
only best friend. His wife and son were sick but it was fun to see him and Samantha. She is a very cute girl and SO smart. Cedrik really didn't want to share toys with her so she was mainly stuck with a doll and a tractor. She managed. Before we went to UT we were given some authentic ginger bread form England. Completely amazing. Stuarts Mom is English so we had him take a couple of pieces to her. YUM.
On Saturday we spent the afternoon with Julie and Nate and their kids down in Salt Lake (Saratoga Springs). It was nice to finally see their house and the boys did pretty well. They decided not to come with us to Temple Square but it was still a fun visit. We laughed A LOT.
Spencer's girlfriend's parents live in Layton. He and Bethany were still in Layton and so they drove down to Salt Lake City to see the lights at temple square with us. Her parents came as well and it was a really fun visit. I think her mom and I were the most impressed with the lights (or maybe we just commented the most??). It was nice to share the beauty of the Christmas Season with them and the lights were so impressive. It was also nice to spend an evening with such a nice family.
Cedrik had a ball with Spencer. He wanted to either hold his hand or be held by him. He also wanted to jump off of everything. Somehow I managed to walk away from the evening with a compliment. Bethany's mom said that she thought I was a very calm mother! If only she could see me at home!
Jenny walked Freddie around to his hearts content. He still isn't walking on his own but he is seriously thinking about it.
On Monday we went to Chari and Brandon's. Cedrik and Taycee talked/yelled at each other and antagonized one another. It was pretty funny.

He smiles on cue!

(Cedrik is standing and Tacyee is on the bench. That is why he looks so little)
Cedrik and Taycee's pictures:

Exhaustion. He rarely sleeps while driving.

Christmas Eve presents from Grandma.

Cedrik and Bowen got some cute teddy bear back packs and a car from Grandma!

Cedrik is still in love with Chandler. LOVE.

This is for him to wear at dinner so he doesn't have to hear other people's chewing.

A very adorable lawn ornament for Jara. A jeweled turtle. It even wobbles!

Steve's Hulk shirt.

Jim hates clowns.

Toe socks. This isn't really a gag gift because Chari actually likes them a lot.

As seen on TV (if you watch tv): a pocket chair!.

Taycee holding her Barney doll from Grandma.

Christmas morning. As we walked up the stairs we said "lets go see what toys Santa brought you." His response when he were at the top of the stairs and he could barely see it "oh.MY.dosh. OH.MY.DOSH." (oh my gosh). It melted my heart. We really didn't put emphasis on Santa. We didn't lay out treats or anything like that. In fact, I don't think he understood what was happening until he saw the toy. Jordan's favorite toy as a child was mainstreet. He found one on Ebay and now it is Cedrik's favorite toy.

Carla has a collection of stockings that she has made over the years and so we got to pick the one we wanted to use. FUN! In Cedrik's stocking there was a book, some chapstick, candy and I think that's it. Freddie got some music makers and a book. He didn't understand any of it. Oh well, next year he will.

Colby's present. A new stereo for his room. This was a candid photo. :)
We had Dad and Donna over for the boy's Christmas the weekend after Christmas. They received some very cool presents and are playing happily all day long.
Photos that decided not to insert correctly:

Cutest pregnant woman ever. Seriously. :)

Proof that she does smile for pictures! How pretty she looks too!! :)

It massages your head.

Our Bingo hostess, Sadie. Her lovely cat.

Talking politics on Christmas morning.