27 January 2012

Water Beads.

We were sick last weekend but I did find time to run to Hobby Lobby and buy water beads!!  They are awesome.  If you have never tried them, you should.  Inexpensive and they serve their purpose, fun with water--in winter! 
They start out very small and fill themselves with water after a few hours.  Cedrik had fun with these in the sink and especially loved figuring out what hot and cold meant.  When Jordan was done working for the day he also helped Cedrik transfer them from bowl to bowl.  Cedrik loves when his Dad plays with him.  There is some sort of guy connection I just don't quite have...I guess that's a good thing.


1st Painting Experience

Cedrik's first painting experience was, interesting to watch.  He mainly cared about cleaning his brush in the water and watching it change colors.  Watercolors probably aren't ideal for a first painting experience, but it is cheap and better than no paint.  So for now, cheap Crayola, we love you. 


I thought we needed some artwork on the windows.  Cedrik helped shave the crayons and I melted it between the wax paper.  I didn't do the best job, which is why I didn't end up hanging them.  The next time I'll have to make sure I have kraft paper.  I remembered doing this as a kid, but decided to do hearts after seeing this.  As you can see, mine aren't as good...next time, next time!  I am not the craftiest person the first time around!

Beans, Spoons, and Bowls

I found the inspiration for this long-lasting (and I do mean long--in a very wonderful way) "game" or "work" --however you prefer to describe it-- here.  It kept Cedrik entertained for a long time and it was so nice to have him concentrated on something instead of frustrated that I had nothing for him to do!  In the future, if you decide to do something like this, choose a blanket that is big and doesn't have any holes.  I ended up laying out a big quilt instead and that kept the beans more visible and gave him more room to move around.  I just used different sized bowls, two for now, as well as all different sized spoons.  We don't have plastic...so I used glass.  It was great when he banged the spoon as he realized his movements were actually affecting the sound.  So many things to learn!  The only rule I gave him were that the beans had to stay on the blanket.  It worked for awhile but some did end up on the carpet...but he's learning and that's all that matters!


I have been quite the slacker.  Not just with blogging but with finding fun, learning, opportunities for Cedrik.  Freddie does take some time, but honestly, he still sleeps a lot.  He's over 12 lbs, which means I am already going to go through clothes and get out the 3-6 month clothing! Yes, he's a chunk.  The running joke is that his double chin will soon need its own name.  Here are some of the things (ahem...thing) we were up to before I started being a more effective Mom.

Freddie was our focus.  While this was great, both Cedrik and I were starting to go a little crazy with no other interesting things to make up our day.

11 January 2012

Freddie's Hearing

Did you know that they now test all babies' hearing in Idaho to determine early if there are any problems?  We actually had Freddie's done at his one week check up and he failed...both ears.  We both had been wondering if he wasn't hearing because he didn't respond to too much and slept (we thought) way too well.  So, they told us that we should come back the next week and re-test because sometimes it is just some fluid that is left in the ear.  Ok.  So we went the next week and he failed again...both ears...again.  We were referred to Elks for a more in depth test that would tell us if both ears had problems and to what extent.  We scheduled that for the day after New Year's.  
We showed up and they taped little sensors to his head (I have no idea what they are actually called, probes?) and put two more in his ears.  At this point I was having a mild anxiety attack seeing my baby hooked up to these things (as most know, we are very much for low medical intervention and haven't had anything like this happen yet).  Then he was able to eat and fall asleep.  The test took about 45 minutes and he slept in my arms the whole time.  The result was that he has perfect hearing!  Yes, perfect hearing.  "Beautifully perfect" if I'm going to be exact.  It was, in fact, fluid in the ear and his left ear still had a little fluid in it (even at 1 month!!)  He is a perfect little baby.  

Jordan was able to bless him last weekend in Utah and he was blessed to develop a strong physical body as well as a strong mind to understand the principles of the gospel.  What more can we ask for?

Hairy Freddie

Freddie came out with quite a bit of hair.  I forgot to post/haven't had time to post many pictures, but I'm trying to catch up.  We thought Cedrik was hairy with the ear hair he came out with.  Its is slowly disappearing and he isn't boney anymore either!  

And just so I don't forget; things Freddie likes to do at one month:
~He loves being held and wants to be all day long
~He sleeps best when I'm holding him or laying with him
~He LOVES milk--but eats on a schedule that he sets, usually every 2-3 hours
~He likes staring at Cedrik
~He likes tummy time, and sometimes will even fall asleep
~His neck is getting so strong!
~He has started smiling back

Cedrik is so funny right now too:
~He blows air to say "Bowen" and puts his tongue out to say "Taycee"
~He kisses Freddie about 200 times per day
~He loves holding Freddie
~When he gets up from his (30 minute) nap he says either "Dada" or "Deddie"
~He has starting saying the prayer most nights at dinner
~He loves to help bake
~He likes to dust
~He FINALLY likes to read books together

Snow! (kind of)

A couple of weeks ago we got a skiff of snow! It was Cedrik's first time seeing it, touching it, tasting it and feeling it.  We had some fun for about 10 minutes in the driveway (the vacant one next door) while Freddie slept peacefully in the living room.  Hopefully it'll snow a little bit more before winter is over!

03 January 2012

Christmas Day

Finally a little broom for Rico.
Chapstick...his toy of choice in church.

02 January 2012

Visit From The Smith's

Mom and Warren were here for 3 weeks to help with the baby and to spend Christmas with us.  It was only supposed to be two weeks, but Freddie's timing made it a week longer.  We had one week with Mom, one with Warren and one with both of them!  Here's some of the fun we had:

Sitting on Papa's lap.
Our bookcases built by Warren....not the Pottery Barn. (seriously)
Where's Cedrik?

Played with wallets.
Who's there?

Worked in the garage.

Building Jordan's workbench.

Sorted screws.
Woke up to eat.
Made sugar cookies.
He stopped helping when I got sick of washing his hands every 15 seconds.
Had tummy time.
Got static hair...well...Piper and I did.
Talked, a lot.
Sat more on Papa's lap.
Made Grandma's "Million Dollar Fudge."

Sat on Papa's shoulders.
Ate oranges.

Juggled more.

Ate more oranges.
Juggled even more.
Hung out with Uncle Dudo.
Shot guns.