Cedrik has FINALLY found his nap routine. It started a couple of weeks ago and has gotten even better. He's taking 2 naps a day that last about 2-3 hours (total).
Now the reason for this post: LAST NIGHT HE LITERALLY SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT. 7:15PM TO 6:15AM. It probably won't happen again so I needed it documented for my future self to remember.
24 June 2011
Our Household Leader
I love my husband. He is the best person to lead our family. He works his tail off to provide for us. He is always thinking of us first and trying to find what time he can to be with us. He gets up with Cedrik almost every morning an hour before I make it out of bed and then picks up the kitchen if it needs it. He has been great with allowing my extra sleep during this pregnancy. He has the best advice and I can say this with complete sincerity: He is ALMOST always right! I never have to question his judgments or decisions because they are always in the best interest of our family.
He has been a wonderful father thus far and Cedrik loves him more and more every day. He can't get enough of his Dad.
So here's to our wonderful Husband and Dad! (Honey, the double spaces are for you!)
23 June 2011
1 Year Old Baby Cedrik
My little boy shows so many signs of being a year old:
New found independence
Do it himself attitude
Helping me with a few things
Laughing to make us laugh
Kisses and hugs when he wants to give them
Saying Dada when we get home
Running from his bath to be funny
But! he is still our baby:
He still needs his naps
He still wants to nurse
He still needs help with almost everything
He still craves Mom's attention
Cedrik has grown up so much in just one year. I know that this next year is going to fly by even faster. Especially since we'll have baby number 2 in December. We have a lot to look forward to but passing time means that Cedrik is getting older. I have a love/hate relationship with time. I love seeing Cedrik grow and develop, learn new things but at the same time I hate that he's getting older and needs me less. We have such a strong attachment that makes me appreciate the moments that I get to spend with him alone. I appreciate that he still wants to nurse and lay beside me because at this point I think he's doing it just to "check in" with Mom and make sure things are still where they ought to be. He learns so much every day and is a sponge with everything that having those few moments a day helps us both to regroup.
I feel like he understands so much more than I imagine he does. He has deep "old" eyes that seem to say he knows it all. I appreciate his independence and his attachment. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father has given us this wonderful boy who has tried us a lot in this past year and has helped both Jordan and me to grow as parents and as husband and wife. This year has been a trial and it has also been the greatest blessing I have ever been given besides Jordan.
Now for the fun part--cake pictures!
He ate it ALL (Homemade banana cupcakes and chocolate frosting.) and then had a bath!
New found independence
Do it himself attitude
Helping me with a few things
Laughing to make us laugh
Kisses and hugs when he wants to give them
Saying Dada when we get home
Running from his bath to be funny
But! he is still our baby:
He still needs his naps
He still wants to nurse
He still needs help with almost everything
He still craves Mom's attention
Cedrik has grown up so much in just one year. I know that this next year is going to fly by even faster. Especially since we'll have baby number 2 in December. We have a lot to look forward to but passing time means that Cedrik is getting older. I have a love/hate relationship with time. I love seeing Cedrik grow and develop, learn new things but at the same time I hate that he's getting older and needs me less. We have such a strong attachment that makes me appreciate the moments that I get to spend with him alone. I appreciate that he still wants to nurse and lay beside me because at this point I think he's doing it just to "check in" with Mom and make sure things are still where they ought to be. He learns so much every day and is a sponge with everything that having those few moments a day helps us both to regroup.
I feel like he understands so much more than I imagine he does. He has deep "old" eyes that seem to say he knows it all. I appreciate his independence and his attachment. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father has given us this wonderful boy who has tried us a lot in this past year and has helped both Jordan and me to grow as parents and as husband and wife. This year has been a trial and it has also been the greatest blessing I have ever been given besides Jordan.
Now for the fun part--cake pictures!
He ate it ALL (Homemade banana cupcakes and chocolate frosting.) and then had a bath!
03 June 2011
Lost Baby
No, we didn't lose our baby. Not in the sense that he was out of our sight. We believe our baby has turned into a toddler. I'm not sure what age this actually happens but when we see things like this:

Oh yes, and remote controls are his absolute favorite thing to play with except when he can somehow get his hands on a cell phone.
it makes us sad and happy at a the same time. (I can finally use the word conundrum!)
He is completely walking now. He doesn't really like to crawl, unless he's being chased and falls because his legs don't keep up. He is communicating a lot more too. He learned to sign please in one day. The other signs in his repertoire (another word I never use) are eat, more, thank you and Mama. These four all look about the same, but he thinks they are all different. He tries to say bye bye, and copies the tones of our voices.
We can't believe it's almost been a year, but I'll do a sobbing birthday post in a couple of weeks. His crib is now in his own room, which for the most part he loves. We think he believes his has grown up a little and it has actually made him a little more snugly. He loves giving kisses and hugs and still wants to be naked 24/7.
Do you ever hear your kid(s) doing something but for some reason your mind doesn't register that you should look over and see what they're doing? It happened to me twice in about 10 minutes. See below:
...and five minutes later! I can't get mad at that face, especially when it was my fault! We have since locked his "play cabinet."
Oh yes, and remote controls are his absolute favorite thing to play with except when he can somehow get his hands on a cell phone.
It's hard to have a garden in an apartment. But we are making the best of it. Jordan has such a green thumb, and I'm learning to grow one. :)
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