I'm at 19 weeks and 5 days. 2 more days and we're halfway there. The time is flying by and now I am growing at a very fast pace! Take a look:
Lately I feel like I should be bigger than I am. I get so many comments just like this: "Oh Wow! You're soooooooo tiny." or "You have SUCH a small belly!" It is sinking in more and more that my time as a working woman is less and less. I'm excited but still worried that I won't feel I'll be making my "contribution" to the family. My contribution has always been, in my mind, my income. So now bringing my love, nurturing capabilities, and taking care of house and home will become my life! It is a little scary, but I'm up for the challenge.
We find out on Monday exactly how far along we are and also the sex of the baby!