As requested. Here is a picture of the van (I should have known when she pulled up):
29 April 2009
28 April 2009
Bea has lost her hair...please help find it!
On Saturday Beatrice was groomed. This woman had been flaky all week long. She finally said she'd come on Saturday and I told her I was home all day, so she could come when she wanted (thinking she'd just pick a time). She replied with "I'll be there between 11 and 12:30pm." She called just after 11 and, after my extensive directions she was lost. We finally got her figured out and she took Bea into her van and asked how I wanted her groomed. I was pretty sure I still didn't get my point across to her (she tended to stare blankly at me like I was speaking Japanese). I asked her to shave The Beabs down for summer, as Jordan and I could tell she was tending to get warm. I asked her not to shave her all the way down to the skin, but to leave some hair for her--not too short! I asked her to do a round face, because groomers tend to make her look like a shnauzer. I asked for pointed ears because Bea doesn't look quite right with round tipped ears. Well, this lady had Bea in her van for over two hours! This van has a tub/sink in it, this vacuum thing, the works. Beabs came out with the spots of her skin showing and chicken legs. I felt so bad for her. She walks around like she has a twitch on her butt all the time and the first day she seemed depressed. Even at Grammies all she did was mope around! Well, here are the pictures. The sad Boobs.
She is a completely different dog!
20 April 2009
This past weekend we went to Tim and Donna's for dinner. We had an assortment of lettuce wraps. They were all wonderful, and Jordan even enjoyed the tofu wrap! After dinner we went to the Boutilier's house and played guitar hero. Here is an example of how fast Jordan picks things up:
He has never played guitar hero, and I thought he'd be nervous. Well, he wasn't nervous. He didn't want to do the tutorial (which EVERYONE does, otherwise they're all just lost!), he just wanted to start playing. So he and I started playing and both started on easy. We got through out first song. (I was surprised because Tyann and Kyle didn't even get through their first song together and they're avid players!--granted we were on easy) Then I moved up to medium and he played one more easy song. Our next round, he had had enough of the easy level and wanted more we both played medium and he was stuck there the rest of the night. I bet if he had played two more songs, he would have been on the hard level. Next time...
The rest of this week, Jordan will be working. Also, this weekend he'll be in Pocatello and the only thing on our schedule is for Bea to get groomed on Saturday. Let's hope she'll turn out ok!
14 April 2009
Too Busy!!
Last week we were invited to have dinner at the Peterson's house for the first time. We were nervous to make a good impression. We had a wonderful dinner. Adrienne is so creative with her food and seems to take lucky risks in things. We had coconut chicken, mango rice, salad and homemade bread. Then after dinner she pulled out this amazing lemon mereanguey (I don't really know what it was, but it was DELICIOUS!) thing. After that we tried to play a game that, it seemed Bryant had been dying to play, and we finally got to one round after Adrienne and I shut up for a few moments. We had some really funny laughs:
*wiggles toes* "They look like your teeth!"
"It's time for your shot!"
"I want the leaves to look like that over there!"
Also, a couple of weeks ago we went and had dinner with our friends, the Kostechkas. They have become our first "couple" friends. That dinner was really good too. Justine made angel hair pasta with chicken and bread with salad. Then we had ice cream topped with berries and sugar. It was so tasty! After we played a game of scrabble which Kyle insisted we play by the rules. He forgot to mention that they were the Kyle Kostechka rules, not the actual game's rules. But it was a great evening and we didn't get home until after 11.
The next morning we had to get up and do surveillance in Cambridge ID. I slept part of the way. This was the first Saturday of conference and we were able to just barely tune in. It was pretty scratchy--but we were listening as best we could. We got home and were able to watch the second session and we only fell asleep for the last 10 minutes or so. We had to get up early in the morning!! On Sunday we were able to wake up and make breakfast (Eggs with toast/cream cheese and strawberries) and watch both sessions. They were truly amazing. We cannot wait to get the Ensign to read them again! There was so much to learn and, even though we are in Boise, and watching through the TV, we knew the spirit was here with us. It was amazing!
This past weekend we had to house sit at Dad and Mama's. It was so nice to watch some movies on their even bigger (I didn't know it was possible) tv. We watched all 3 of The Work and The Glory movies. They were very good and VERY intense. Then we watched the Best 2 Years and we couldn't stop laughing. It was completely hilarious. So in total we watched about 8 hrs of Churchy movies this weekend--helps with building our testimonies :). Good thing too; because on Sunday we got confused and thought we were going to Stake Conference. Turns out is was just good ole' fast Sunday. Because we showed up very late, we decided to go home and fasted/read about the resurection on our own. It was a nice Easter Sunday. Shayla had us over to her house for Easter Dinner. There was a TON of food. The kids enjoyed showing off their presents from the Easter Bunny, and the "adults" enjoyed very good conversation (weird to say adult).
This week we are having the Peterson's over for dinner tomorrow night. We'll be making our "famous" chicken pasta, as well as some bread. I'll also be trying to make some Rocky Road Brownies. We'll see how they turn out. On Friday we are getting together with the Boutiliers and the Kostechka's to play a nice "friendly" game of guitar hero.
I was told to post some pictures of Jordan and I because some people seem to think we are obsessed with our dog! (*cough* Scottie *cough*). So here you go. Pictures of the happy couple:
06 April 2009
I recieved this video in an email from Jordan's mom. I thought it was pretty neat, and thought other women may like it as well. It was published by the relief society. Enjoy!
02 April 2009
Quick Update
I am at work, but wanted to give a quick update letting everyone know that BeaBea has been getting on the couch and her Father hasn't told her no!! Now she is bringing her toys up there too and making a cozy little house for herself.
I think Bea has won the battle.

And....Bea has taken almost all of the eyes out of her toys. We can't quite figure out why she is tearing the eyes out. She is also eating the "brains." (I think it is because her father makes fun of her eyes and she doesn't want her toys making fun of her either. So she tears them out and laughs inside.)

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