15 December 2009
The Porter's First Christmas Tree
23 November 2009
I did Laurel's dead clown make-up. She had a very specific drawing.
Landen was the gate keeper
Porter decided to be a dead bride! I also did his make-up and we used Laurel's Hannah Montana hair to pull it all together.
22 October 2009
It's a boy/girl!

30 September 2009
Jordan and Chelsea are...
After dinner we sat and played with Connor, weighed ourselves and found our body fat percentage, then we finally talked Jordan into playing "Jordan's Self-Esteem Boosting Game". We each took a piece of paper for the three other people in the room. We had one minute to write down positive things about the other person; then, the next minute you write down things for the next person, etc. Here was the list that was compiled for each of us:
You can reach items on the top shelf.
You are a phenomenal public speaker.
You are French.
You are very kind & helpful.
You honor your priesthood.
You are a good husband to Chelsea.
Good memory.
Good under pressure.
Good dancer.
A Real Man.
He is tall.
He is a hard worker.
He helps make really good food.
Good friend.
Hard worker.
My B.F.F.E. (Best Friend For Eternity)
Perfect in every way.
You have adorable freckles.
You are beautiful.
You have a very strong testimony.
You have a gorgeous voice.
You have a very strong sense of right and wrong.
You are sweet and thoughtful.
You look cute in skinny jeans!
It was such a wonderful night and I think we all left feeling pretty dang good about ourselves. I think the game worked!
20 September 2009
Sealing Pictures
Our only true ward friends moved away. A long, long way away. About 10 minutes. It is a gorgeous home.
That's really been the only news in our lives. Jordan had to work out of town for 3 days in Buhl.
We'll try to update sometime soon.
03 August 2009
Primera vez a Templo de Salt Lake
The Reason for our trip:

After the sealing we had enough time before the BBQ, that we were able to see some of the sights on Temple Square. There were Sister Missionaries from every country you can think of. We were able to go into the old tabernacle. Jordan's great, great grandpa built the organ. It has over 11,000 pipes. We also found that because the early saints had no money, they painted the wood pillars to look like marble. AND they painted the pine benches to look like oak. How industrious!

This is the chapel. It used to be a ballroom. Now there are 3 wards that gather here weekly. We were told this is where the Prophet attends church, when he's in town. When President Hinkley was still living, he attended church here. When the sacrament was over, he went home. Guess he all ready knew what they were going to teach in Sunday School!
Looking down at the temple from the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.
Another something we learned: President Monson is staying in the condo right now. The only reason for that is because the plumbing in his house (which he bought in the 1960's) is having the plumbing re-done. :)
Nate, Julie, Cicily and Chase were all able to join us on the tours that afternoon. It was nice to finally spend some one-on-one time with them. Off to the visitors center: As Jordan points, he says, "And there's Kolob!!!"
Too cute! (I think it's because he's smiling!)
This is the organ in the conference center. It has 7,500 pipes. The conference center is the largest building of its kind, seating 21,000 people who all face the same direction. Fun Fact: Look at the top of the organ: see the gold circle? That's about street level. Also, there are 4 levels of parking underneath the conference center!
On top of the Conference Center: The temple was not photo shopped in.
Cicily and Chase really liked the water. :)
When you are standing in front of this wall, you can see your refection in the mural. It seems like you are pictured with your ancestors!
After being tourists for the afternoon, we were able to go to the BBQ hosted by the Peterson's. We then drove back to Logan to spend the night at Steve and Carla's house.
17 July 2009
Two minds think too much alike
Whoever invented this word should be slapped.
The Actual Colorado Trip--Part 2
Mom and Warren at Big Horn.
We drove on the highest paved road in American.
Here are some of our favorite pictures from the drive:
Dudo decided to take it upon himself to shout at the people parked on the tundra.
"HEY!! Get off the tundra. One, two three thousand years!"
(Thats how long it takes to grow back after just one foot print.)
Well, it happened and you missed it. He walked on the tundra.
On Sunday night, we were all a little too tired to do anything but watch "The Rundown." It is a pretty funny movie, with everyone's favorite: Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.
On Monday we went and ran some errands. Dad and Mom needed some things for Mexico. So we went to a few clothing stores and Dad bought a couple of swimsuits and some new shirts.
Hopefully it was ok we clapped (and maybe whistled).
It is nice to know that even the MoTab, with their angelic voices, are just regular people.